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Everton Nurseries Plant Finder kiosk

Updated: Feb 15, 2021

Early this month we installed two of our new Garden Centre digital Signage Units with the touchscreen plant finder app at Everton Nurseries in Lymington. Like a new "team member" for Everton's plant area, the kiosk can be used by staff & customers to quickly answer plant questions or browse the plants they sell. They also display garden centre info/ads when the plant finder app is idle. Customers can look up plants by any criteria, to meet their precise needs.

We have already had some great feedback from the centre...

"The interactive Plant Finder app is a hit with our customers, allowing them to access all sorts of plant information at the touch of a button … or 2, and in our restaurant thanks to the Breakfast Offer being promoted, footfall in this area has increased. Digital marketing is the way to go."

Maria Currie, Director


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